Um dem Phämomen näherzukommen, ist die Lektüre eines Buches die Sache wert, das bei gestalten erschienen ist: We are Dandy - The Elegant Gentleman around the World von Nathaniel Adams (Text) und Rose Callahan (Fotos)
Die Zeit schreibt darüber: "Ein echter Dandy lebt seinen Stil für sich. Er definiert sich nicht über die Zahl seiner Instagram-Follower und interessiert sich nicht dafür, was andere von ihm denken. Lieber verbringt er seine Zeit damit, modische Raritäten am anderen Ende der Welt zu finden, neuen Entwicklungen in der Mode-Branche nachzuspüren und dazwischen nur das zu tun, was ihm Spaß macht. Und auf keinen Fall das, was andere von ihm erwarten. Das Buch We are Dandy versammelt besondere Exemplare aus der ganzen Welt."
Und der Verlag zeigt wie folgt an:
From America to Africa to Asia, dandyism is a way of life. It is fashion in the best sense, self-esteem through style. And, in every country, it takes a unique form as dandies draw on the local context and fashion culture to shape their looks. We are Dandy throws open the doors of the wardrobe and explores the dandy as a global phenomenon.
With texts as witty as the subjects are stylish, the book pokes between the folds to let us know these exceptional individuals. For them, their dandy fashion is more than a trend or a phase—it is who they are, the outer expression of their inner selves. Photographs and profiles paired with clever histories reveal what it takes to look your best around the world. We are Dandy unfolds with a foreword by the illustrious Dita Von Teese that conveys the authenticity of these aesthetes, their passions, and their bravely curated philosophies.
Nathaniel „Natty“ Adams has been involved with the historical and contemporary Dandy phenomenon for many years —it even informs his own wardrobe. A research grant aided the studied journalist in traveling around the world and into the eclectic homes of various Dandies. New York is more than the current home of filmmaker and photographer, Rose Callahan; the city is also the site and start of her involvement with the Dandy. In 2008, she created the blog The Dandy Portraits, where she documents the many facets of the modern gentleman.
Shortly afterwards, she met Natty Adams and the idea for I am Dandy was born.
Bild oben rechts: Ein Bremer Dandy - Claudio Paes
Bilder unten: Aus "We are Dandy"